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CSE and teenagers: a rainbow of possibilities

By M. Silvana Calzia

The implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) has been a real challenge over the past few years. Giving adolescents opportunities to tackle CSE content has been at the core, both in face-to -face and online classes. In this presentation, the axes Value Affectivity and Respect Diversity will be addressed. Samples of tasks related to stereotypes, relationships and values will be provided, so teachers explore the connections between CSE and 21st century skills.

Ms Calzia was awarded the APRIR Speaker Scholarship last year and delivered this presentation at the 2023 FAAPI Conference.

When? Saturday March 9th – 10 to 11:30

Where?  Online (Zoom)

APRIR members: FREE
Students (Rosario) and members of FAAPI affiliated TAs: $1500
Non-members: $4000

Limited vacancies available so secure your place by paying in advance. First come, first served! Enrolment will only be confirmed after payment.

Pay by bank transfer AND email us the slip at

Banco Nación Suc. 3020- Rosario
CBU Nº 0110444240044427146462
Cuenta Corriente Especial
Nº de cuenta: 444271464/6
Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Rosario
CUIT: 30680502109 

Presenter´s biodata

Silvana Calzia is a teacher of English and holds a BA in teaching English from CAECE University. She is currently studying Specialization in Education and New Technologies at FLACSO University. She taught English for more than 15 years in her hometown, Junín. She worked with adolescents and adults in different institutions including UNNOBA (Universidad Nacional Del Noroeste de la pcia de Bs. As.) She has also delivered webinars and workshops about Multiple Intelligences in the classroom and other topics related to EFL. Silvana moved to Rosario in 2022 and is currently working at university and secondary levels at UNR (Universidad Nacional de Rosario). Silvana also works at UCSF (Universidad Católica de Santa Fe) and teaches at private and state-run secondary schools.

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